Diploma in Counselling Skills
2025-26 Applications are now Open
September 2025 to July 2026
This training is designed to enable students to develop their own use of counselling skills as well as their knowledge and understanding of psychodynamic theory. The course is suitable for those who are perhaps considering completing a Diploma is Psychodynamic Counselling, or for those wishing to improve their knowledge and skills base in this modality. Applications must have previously completed a Certificate in Counselling Skills or equivalent. It is important to stress that completion of this foundation level course is not a licence to practise as a counsellor.
This is a part-time course running from September 2025 until July 2026 and comprises three terms, each of ten weeks duration. The course is held on Thursday evenings. The timetable is run in conjunction with the local authority school term and holiday dates. Mandatory Saturday workshops are also scheduled as part of the course.
It is important to point out that if you intend to apply for a place on our Diploma in Psychodynamic Counselling on completion of this course, you must be in a minimum of once weekly therapy with a psychotherapist from our approved list (or an equivalent) for at least six months before starting the training in September 2024, and continue in therapy for the duration of your training. The cost of weekly therapy is in addition to the course fee and is a private agreement between student and their therapist.
We emphasise that we provide a training in counselling, not a course of instruction. This means that our Assessment Committee must be satisfied that the trainee has reached a required standard, which is not just a matter of completing hours and assignments, before awarding a qualification. Please note that progression each year is not automatic but dependent upon our assessment process.
It is important that you read all of the information provided on all levels of our training before making the decision to train with us.
Former clients of CCF wishing to train as counsellors cannot do so here until at least five years after their last counselling session with us.
To apply please download
Application Form: 2025-26 DiCS Application Form
Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form Training Equality and Diversity Monitoring Form
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Applications can be sent by email to kelliew@chelmsfordcounselling.org.uk or by post to Kellie Willis, Training Co-ordinator, Chelmsford Counselling Foundation, 42 Cedar Avenue, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 2QH